Boy spanking by belt and cane – Miroslav 18


Length: 29 minutes


Warning: This is one of the most hard boy spanking video by belt and cane of our studio!

Young plumber boy Miroslav 18 y.o. is getting hardest spanking by belt and cane . In the appartment he must get the corporal punishment for bad working. This video is one of the harderst boy spanking video of our studio – it was a real crazy thrashing. Young plumber is standing on the knees before getting spanking. Master is taking his large leather belt, which is using in Russian Army uniform.

First strokes boy is getting by this belt. That’s hard to suffer, because the belt il large and it’s making lot of pain for young boy. When boy’s ass is totally red color, Master is getting the cane. That’s a long bamboo cane – very hard corporal punishment device. But plumber is trying not to shout, but it’s not easy. Finally last part of a punishment boy is getting in a very unconfortable position when his skin is maximum streched. Cane hits becames a big wave of extreme pain. During the last strokes boy can’t stay calm because his ass is already crazy thrashed. This boy spanking by belt and cane video was one of hardert spanking videos of our studio.

That’s difficult just to imagine how many strokes can suffer this yong men. He was very stoic during all the corporal punishment video. This boy spanking by belt and cane was a real challenge for him. Just imagine, how this boy will sit down on his ass after this punishment! We are sure that he will remember this spanking for long time.

Don’t forget to take a look more corporal punishements by the cane. You can find all theme here.

Boys spanking by belt and cane

Spanking boys by belt and cane is a very popular corporal punishment way in Russia. Sure this is one of the harderst men spanking methods, but it’s important for boy, who need to get a good discipline.